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Glasgow Green

In the app, you’ll find words, photos, augmented reality sculptures and videos that share these stories, alongside space for you to share your own stories of the Green in the Get Your Voice Heard section. There is also lots of information about how you can get involved in the local community, and in causes you’re passionate about. The stories we’ve gathered have been organised into ten different themes that open up some of Glasgow Green’s fascinating history. You can explore everything today, just the bits that interest you, or come back another time; the stories will still be right here.

The Android app on the Play store:

Glasgow Green
Glasgow Green
Developer: Open Virtual Worlds
Price: Free

The iPhone app will be available soon on the App store:

‎Glasgow Green
‎Glasgow Green
Developer: Alan Miller
Price: Free

Privacy Policy

The android privacy policy is available here and the Apple version privacy policy is available here. To contact about the app please email